Triple K Collagen Supplement & Crepey Skin FX Corrective Beauty Treatments
Inside & Out
Tap Into the Power of Top Collagen Boosting Amino Acids the Body Needs and the Skin Craves

30 Servings, Single Pack
Triple K Collagen, Dark Cocoa Spice
Sip your way to a more youthful version of you, inside and out, with Doctor recommendedTriple K Collagen. The best collagen for skin. And the best collagen supplement for sagging skin.
What you can expect? Reverse your signs of aging with that hydrated glow, smoother tighter skin, less visible facial lines, a boosted metabolism, and more!
30 day money back guarantee.
ORDER NOW30 Servings, 3 Pack
Triple K Collagen, Dark Cocoa Spice
Hooked on that hydrated glow, plumper tighter skin, and filled in wrinkles that you are starting to see?
Well, if one pack of Triple K is good, then 3 packs are better! This way you will always have on hand your #1 Beaty Supplement for:
- Reducing Wrinkles and Sagging Skin
- Dropping pounds Naturally Without Getting a Diet Face
- Hair that is strong and nails that won't brea
Stock up on our Dr. recommended Triple K Collagen today!
Best Value

Starter Kit #1
Triple K Collagen Supplement & Crepey Skin Body FX, Pro Strength Resurfacing Body Lotion
Get an inside outside beauty burst with the power of Triple K's collagen powder to boost your metabolism, shed weight, get tighter skin. Crepey Skin Body FX, the best lotion for crepey skin on arms and legs, with 10% glycolic acid hydrates and smooths crepey skin on the outside. Reveals brighter, tighter, more youthful looking skin.
YES! I WANT THIS NOW10% Glycolic Acid Skin Care for the Outside
Hydrates, Moisturizes, Deeply Exfoliates, as it Strengthens Thinning Skin, Revealing Skin That Looks Smoother, Tighter, Brighter and More Youthful

Skin Care for the Outside
Crepey Skin Body FX, Pro Strength Resurfacing Body Lotion, 7.5oz
Ready to look in the mirror and love your skin again? Crepey Skin Body FX gives your body’s skin a beauty bump-up like never before, as it increases cellular renewal for younger looking skin.
Formulated with collagen-loving vitamins A, C and E, Body FX is the best of the best lotion for crepey skin on arms and legs, hands and feet.
Crepey Skin Body FX Pro Strength Resurfacing Body Lotion 3-7.5oz Bottles
Smooth away rough, wrinkled, and uneven skin tone, with this 3 pack of Body FX, the best lotion for crepey skin on arms and legs. Using 10% glycolic acid derived from sugar cane, our skin-loving elixir drenches your skin with moisture and hydration as it buffs and brightens your skin to perfection.
Best Value

Starter Kit
Starter Kit #1 The Get Acquainted Kit
Who would have ever believed that a body lotion and a collagen supplement you can drink (or add to your pancakes) can both do the same thing?
- Smooth skin
- Increase hydradion
- Improve skin moisture
- Support collagen dermal density
Starter Kit #1 uses Triple K's collagen protein amino acids to get the job done from the inside out.
Crepey Skin Body FX, the best lotion for Crepey Skin, uses 10% glycolic acid, pure botanicals and organic essentials oil from the outside.
Use them together you have the ultimate dynamic duo helping to reverse your signs of aging.
Client Stories
"Results Will Vary"

Lose Weight, in shape perfect skin. WOW, wow, wow is all I can say. I use CrepeySkinFX and Triple K Collagen Protein. What a difference. My skin absolutely glows and is perfectly flawless. I get stopped on the street because people want to know what I am using. I am on the other side of 50 and I don’t want to look or feel it I am doing everything I can to stay looking and feeling younger. My body has never felt better. I have lost the final 5 and for the first time in my life, my thigs don’t rub together.
Charlene, 55 Canada
"Starter Kit #1"

I have been following Kellie’s program for 6 years now. I’m 65 years old and have been told I have the skin, body, and attitude of someone 25 years younger. Men in their 40’s ask me out on dates. What a confidence booster.
Glenda, California
"Absolutely Ageless"

I have known Kellie for about 25 years but only started working with her about 5 years ago. I kept watching Kellie get younger every year and wanted her secrets. So, she put me on her exact same plan. The Ageless Blueprint, Crepey Skin FX, and Triple K collagen. I was shocked. My husband was so impressed, he asked me if he could join the program, because he saw my transformation. And didn’t want me to look younger than him. So now hubby and I, we both glow together.
Sue, Canada
"Absolutely Ageless"

Sheryl, Canada
"Absolutely Ageless"

I am 64 and weight gain is a big problem at this age. I hate diets. After following Kellie’s program for the 6 weeks, I lost 15 pounds. The weight flew off. I am so happy. My daughter did the program as well and lost 20 pounds in 8 weeks. Thank you Kellie
Holly, Canada
"Absolutely Ageless"

I know I am only 30, but I want to make sure I keep looking and being young. I don’t want to age like my parents are. I see Kellie at 60 and I know what is possible. Thanks Kellie! Love your blueprint, love the beauty tips, love the beauty builders!
Jessica, Florida
"Absolutely Ageless"

Kellie’s blueprint is a Game Changer. I have spent 1000’s of dollars on products and retreats and been disappointed. Never one to give up, I tried Kellie’s system and religiously followed it. And got the kind of results I had always hoped for: more energy, more balance, and skin I am proud to show off with no make-up, and yes, I have to say I look and feel at least 10 years younger. Which, in fact, wasn’t why I ordered the course. That’s just a beautiful byproduct of the blueprint! Thank you Kellie
Pamela, Florida
"Absolutely Ageless"

After working with Kellie, I was able to transform my life. I got the courage to move away from my family to another state. I applied, got accepted to and am ab out to graduate law school. As a bonus, I have lost about 20 pounds following the eating plan and drinking TripleK collagen protein. My skin has cleared up using CrepeySkinFX. I used to cover up my skin with tons of foundation. Now my complexion sparkles. Even my 12-year-old son notices a difference in me.
Diana, Florida
"CrepeySkinFX Body Lotion + Absolutely Ageless"

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